Monday, October 15, 2012

Protect Your Wi-fi

                                Protect Your Wi-fi

You can restrict the access to only certain machines in the Wireless Router's settings.

Every machine has a unique address called a MAC Address. To find out yours first go to the command line. You can choose the Run opton from the Start menu and type in cmd or command. In the command window type as below:

ipconfig /all

You might find multiple entries for "Physical Address". Note the one corresponding to your Wireless router. That is your MAC address.

Next step is to get into the Wireless Routers configuration page. You may have a menu link to open it. You can usually access it by typing the routers IP address - usually or

Now find out something relating to Access Control, usually under Network Settings or Security. Go and add your MAC address to the allowed addresses. Deny all others.



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